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How to turn a woman off!

No two women are the same, so trying to identify what will and will not turn a woman off can be tricky. However, when the girls get together and start to spill the beans about their dating experiences, some common themes do tend to emerge.

Now, when a couple has been together for a while, a guy can get away with the occasional poot in bed or bad joke. But in the early days of a courtship, when a woman is still making up her mind about whether or not this could be Mr. Right, a man needs some guidance in terms of what’s endearing and what’s a real deal-breaker. It seems that a lot of you guys are making the same grievous errors when it comes to keeping your date happy, and sometimes it’s the little things that irk the most.

The following is a list of the most common turn-offs for women:

General no-nos:

  • Boasting about job, salary, or car. If a woman really likes you, she likes you for yourself, not for your job or what car you drive. So trying to prove yourself through material possessions is not going to get you anywhere – except with the wrong sort of woman.
  • Lying. Don’t fib about your weight, height, smoking habits, or anything else. As your relationship progresses, your lady will find out that you’ve been telling fibs and she’ll resent it. Have faith in yourself – there are plenty of women out there who are interested in the real you.
  • Negativity. Nobody likes to be around a negative person. Don’t spend every date, phone call, and online chat pouring out all your grievances about life. Make your woman feel happy every time she’s with you – either in person, on the phone or online.

Phone no-nos:

  • Doing something else while you’re on the phone, such as surfing the web, eating, or watching television. Give your woman your full attention while you’re chatting to her.
  • Not listening properly. Don’t keep asking her to repeat herself because you haven’t been paying attention.
  • Not contributing to the conversation or leaving long pauses. If need be, think beforehand about what you might talk about next time your lady calls.

Email no-nos:

  • Not responding within a reasonable length of time. Writing back too quickly can seem like desperation, so don’t get typing straight away. However, waiting more than a day to reply to your woman’s email can seem like you’ve gone off the boil or you’ve got something better to do. She won’t like it.
  • Replying to her lengthy, chatty, soul-outpouring email with a one-liner. Match her willingness to express herself with the written word. Use email as a way of revealing something new and interesting about yourself.
  • Not being romantic and sexy in your emails. Tell her a story or write her a little poem – it may seem cheesy to you, but if it comes from the heart, she’ll love it.

Date etiquette:

  • Poor personal hygiene. Nothing puts a woman off more than a guy who can’t even bother to brush his teeth and use deodorant. Put some thought into your appearance and make sure you’re as kissable and lovable as possible!
  • Lack of attentiveness. We’re not saying spend the evening latched on to your woman or following her around like a puppy. But if you’re out on a date with a woman, make it clear to her that she’s special, the evening is special, and you have eyes for no-one but her. This is your time together, and nothing else should interfere.